No Song is Safe From Us

No Song Is Safe From Us - The NYFOS Blog
 |  Chelsea Shephard

This is our last day together, all you amazing folks who support NYFOS!!! I can’t believe I only get to share one more song with you. I’ll have to beg Steve to let me do this again sometime in the summer. For my final selection, I want to say Thank You. However, because life is never quite what you expect, I have decided to throw you a curve ball.

 |  Chelsea Shephard

Day Four! Only two more! How will I choose??!? For Thursday’s treat, you delicious NYFOS supporters you, I give you “A Quiet Thing”. I sang this right after I graduated high school in response to my co-stars’ song “Marry Me” in a Portage Players’ Production of Kander & Ebb’s And The World Goes ‘Round.

 |  Chelsea Shephard

We have come to Day Three. Hump Day. To get us over the hump, I must offer you John Lennon’s “Imagine”. I sang this, barefoot, at one of my high school talent shows. Friends of my father, who live in the tiny town I’m from, still remember that performance. Or, at least one of them does. We need this song. Let’s all sing it together.

 |  Chelsea Shephard

For Day Two, I have chosen for you, beloved NYFOS supporters, “Maybe” from Annie. This song taught those of us raised on classic musicals as I was (thanks, Mom!) one of our first lessons in empathy. I never really sang this song, but lord I loved it!

 |  Chelsea Shephard

I’m delighted to be curating the NYFOS Song of the Day project on Facebook! As a singer/musician raised in a very musical household, I am finding it incredibly difficult to pick only five songs! My mother was a classical pianist. She played John Cage, Alban Berg, and Franz Schubert for her graduate recital in 1979. My father is a big-hearted character who owned a record store for 25 years in Kalamazoo, MI called The Bop Stop. He called my twin sister and I the owners, and worships the Beatles, John & Yoko, and Neil Young. Rock ‘n Roll, Daddy!