No Song is Safe From Us

No Song Is Safe From Us - The NYFOS Blog
 |  Christine Taylor Price

I thought I’d leave you on a fun note. I found this next song while I was putting together a recital.  My sister Katie is actually the best sister you could ask for and I swear I’m not biased! She let me move in with her and took care of me when she was 25 […]

 |  Christine Taylor Price

This next song was one of my grandmother’s favorites. She was an Irish Catholic girl who grew up in Pennsylvania, became a nurse and met my grandfather while working for the war effort and after getting married they started for California. She would tell the story of how they ended up living in Denver by […]

 |  Christine Taylor Price

I have always been a huge Doris Day fan. She is the whole package. Hysterical, a fantastic actress both comedic and dramatic, and was one of the most famous recording artists from the 40’s to the late 60’s recording more than 650 songs. I remember the first movie I saw her in- Calamity Jane. People! […]