No Song is Safe From Us

No Song Is Safe From Us - The NYFOS Blog
 |  Courtenay Casey

Buy this record. Again, through my incredible work as Director of Artistic Planning at National Sawdust, I have been fortunate to meet new artists. Alicia was our Artist in Residence last year and she launched this powerful record as a starting point for her residency. This entire album inspires me to get up in the morning, go to work, and find ways to support artists, every day. Thank you Alicia!

 |  Courtenay Casey

Winterreise is an epic song cycle that has been recorded, discussed and performed millions of times. There is a reason why. However, this particular singer and his work with William Kentridge served a catalyst for me as a programmer to dare to hear standard repertoire with a visual lens.

 |  Courtenay Casey

As a “recovering” opera singer myself, I am immediately drawn to Paola Prestini’s incredible capacity to write gorgeous music for singers. Through getting to know her through our work together at VisionIntoArt and National Sawdust* where we commissioned over 10 world premieres and umpteen artists together since 2012, I now know her incredible capacity to write beautiful music is a simple extension of her beautiful spirit.

 |  Courtenay Casey

I first heard Helga at Philip Glass/Robert Wilson’s “Einstein on The Beach” during BAM’s Next Wave Festival in 2012. I didn’t know her personally and was incredibly fortunate to meet her a few months later. Helga is a beacon and this song captures her incredible artistry and vocal intensity.