No Song is Safe From Us

No Song Is Safe From Us - The NYFOS Blog
 |  Dalit Warshaw

This week’s Song of the Day curator is composer and thereminist Dalit Warshaw! Dalit also performed with NYFOS this week in our concert From Russia to Riverside Drive: Rachmaninoff and Friends. Thank you, Dalit! from Dalit Warshaw: In Closing… It has been a true joy to embark on this genuinely rich musical adventure this past week, probing the […]

 |  Dalit Warshaw

This week’s Song of the Day curator is composer and thereminist Dalit Warshaw! Dalit is also performed with NYFOS this week in our concert From Russia to Riverside Drive: Rachmaninoff and Friends. from Dalit Warshaw: …And More About the Vocalise… As the player of an instrument that shines when exhibiting expressive and expansive melodic line, and as […]

 |  Dalit Warshaw

This week’s Song of the Day curator is composer and thereminist Dalit Warshaw! Dalit is also performed with NYFOS this week in our concert From Russia to Riverside Drive: Rachmaninoff and Friends. from Dalit Warshaw: The theremin vs. the ondes Martenot Inevitably, during the course of my adventures as a thereminist, I am periodically asked about the […]

 |  Dalit Warshaw

This week’s Song of the Day curator is composer and thereminist Dalit Warshaw! Dalit is also performing with NYFOS this week in our concert From Russia to Riverside Drive: Rachmaninoff and Friends, Sunday in Boston and tonight (Tuesday, Nov 10) at Merkin Concert Hall at Kaufman Music Center. A few tickets are still available if you want to hear Dalit in […]

 |  Dalit Warshaw

This week’s Song of the Day curator is composer and thereminist Dalit Warshaw! Dalit is also performing with NYFOS this week in our concert From Russia to Riverside Drive: Rachmaninoff and Friends, yesterday in Boston and tomorrow (Tuesday, Nov 10) at Merkin Concert Hall at Kaufman Music Center. A few tickets are still available if […]