No Song is Safe From Us

No Song Is Safe From Us - The NYFOS Blog
 |  Gina Perregrino

The call to pursue opera came very naturally to me because of my love for language and travel, and the joy I receive from exploring culture and human connection. I must say, I have always been somewhat of a “strange bird” with my vast taste in music since I was a child. When I was a young girl […]

 |  Gina Perregrino

Dedicated to my “adopted grandmother” who passed right at the time I was asked to do the Song of the Day. She was an avid cheerleader in my life who requested I sing this song at her funeral. Rest easy, dear Nonna.Carolyn D. Calvin (November 18, 1927 – January 4, 2020)

 |  Gina Perregrino

A fun fact about me is that no matter how Italian my name my be, I have always been drawn to the culture of Mexico more than any other culture in the world. From a young age I fell in love with the Spanish language and since then have been on a path of discovering […]

 |  Gina Perregrino

When I was asked to do the NYFOS Song of the Day I was intrigued (and overwhelmed!) by the possibilities of what I could present over five days. There is an endless amount of repertoire in all styles and genres—how do you choose?! So, I went with what I know: my favorites. I know that […]

 |  Gina Perregrino

In our preparation for the NYFOS Next: Director’s Choice recital, Michael Barrett, Mario Diaz-Moresco (my colleague on this program), and I sat down with piles of music in Michael’s home and spent the day singing through songs of all styles and languages.  That day I was introduced to Adam Guettel’s music.  After finalizing our pieces for […]