No Song is Safe From Us

No Song Is Safe From Us - The NYFOS Blog
 |  Joseph Kaiser

The one and only time I’ve ever enjoyed (let alone paid attention to) NYC taxi cab t.v. was I saw a clip of this song last December. “On the outside, always looking in, will I ever be more than I’ve always been?” As artists, we’ve all felt these feelings, to one degree or another. If I could go back in time, and perform a role in musical theater, Evan Hansen would be my choice.

 |  Joseph Kaiser

With all due respect to the song I was planning to post, Alison Krauss’ beautiful rendition of the Beatles “I Will,” I felt compelled to instead share Marvin Gaye’s 1971 chart-topper, due to the events of this past week (and month, and year…).

 |  Joseph Kaiser

I’ve now spent equal time on this planet with my father as I have without him. I don’t even know if he liked this song. But since he’s been gone, these lyrics have always reminded me of his tenderness, his love of music, and his unfulfilled dreams.

 |  Joseph Kaiser

In my 9th grade English class, all of the students had to memorize a Shakespearean sonnet. I chose “Like as the waves make towards the pebbl’d shores,” but only because another student had already chosen “My mistress’ eyes.” Alan Rickman—whom I first encountered in Galaxy Quest—delivers his stirring rendition with gravitas and subtle passion.