No Song is Safe From Us

No Song Is Safe From Us - The NYFOS Blog
 |  Kate Bullock

A couple decades ahead in a brave new world called “the present”, lives Sara Bareilles, one of my favorite artists working today. Man alive, does she know how to write lyrics that resonate! She is so much more a poet than most people writing commercially at this minute in the industry, and in this case, […]

 |  Kate Bullock

I might have given myself away yesterday with my ringing endorsement of Camelot but in case there’s any mystery at all left to me, let’s blow the lid clear off this puppy, shall we? I’m 27 years in age but my sensibilities and musical tastes are proud AARP card-carrying members. Now that everything’s out there […]

 |  Kate Bullock

In the immortal words of Alan Jay Lerner, “Tra la, it’s May, the lusty Month of May” as we start to see the gradual advance into warmer temperatures and those lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer. Right after I open my eyes on May 1st and announce “Rabbit Rabbit” to the waiting physically distant world […]