No Song is Safe From Us

No Song Is Safe From Us - The NYFOS Blog
 |  Lauren Worsham

How did the world exist before Lizzo? I saw her open for another band this past year and her stage show blew me away. She is all things female and strength and sex. She is everything. Lizzo for life.

 |  Lauren Worsham

Another song that always brightens my mood – this one is from the animated film Ratatouille. The French artist Camille is a fantastically experimental artist. This song is one of her more sweet and soft tunes but “Ta Douleur” is also worth checking out. 

 |  Lauren Worsham

I love watching my friends’ artistic endeavors come to fruition. This song is by my good friend Kris Kelly off his most recent album. Its swirling hypnotic sound and his gentle vocals make for a dreamy soundscape. 

 |  Lauren Worsham

My brother – who goes my Parker Ainsworth – is an accomplished singer songwriter whose work has spanned many styles over the years. His latest single speaks about the America we live in now using the Cali-Texan vernacular he has developed after living in Los Angeles for over a decade. It’s a groovy tune. 

 |  Lauren Worsham

In closing, I have to share a song from the show that changed my life – A Gentleman’s Guide to Love and Murder.  It also seems fitting as we gear up for the Gilbert & Sullivan NYFOS Gala event on April 5th.  GGL&M is a very G&S-style musical! This number was always my favorite to […]

 |  Lauren Worsham

The Light in the Piazza is one of my favorite musicals of all time and this song is one of my favorite pieces from that show. I find it incredibly heart-breaking. The whole show is really a meditation on love its various forms. This song is about what happens to love when it starts to change, […]

 |  Lauren Worsham

Growing up in Austin, TX – this was one of the first songs I learned to sing.  Toni Price is a local Austin legend and never performs without a bottle of Jack on stage. This song typifies Austin-style Texas blues. I love the cheekiness of the lyrics and the easy country twang of her voice. […]

 |  Lauren Worsham

Grace McLean is not only an amazing theater actress but also an inspiring singer-songwriter. I love the way she layers her voice in this song to achieve such a rich sound. I also am smitten with the slightly throwback vibe of her voice. The lyrics are fun and witty until you reach the end and […]

 |  Lauren Worsham

Well, I had to start with a song from my very own rock-band Sky-Pony. We are currently finishing our last week of performances of our rock theatre event The Wildness at Ars Nova. We close on the 26th and you can get tickets at  This song is sung from the point of view of a slightly […]