No Song is Safe From Us

No Song Is Safe From Us - The NYFOS Blog
 |  Matt Boehler

This song trips so many of my triggers, with a vocal line that sounds like it could have been written by John Dowland, and an accompaniment that has some of the delicate twists, turns, and bizarre musical punctuation of Poulenc.

 |  Matt Boehler

Meredith Monk is amazing, and the amount of concentration and virtuosity it must take for two singers to maintain the delicate balancing act of this piece seems super-human. High-wire act though it is, I find this song endlessly playful and fascinating.

 |  Matt Boehler

The recent successful rescue of the soccer team from a cave in Thailand brought to mind the unsuccessful rescue attempt of Floyd Collins from a cave in the hills of Kentucky, and the gorgeous harmonies contained within Adam Guettel’s musical about him, his family, and the media circus that surrounded them. In this song, Floyd is trapped in Sand Cave, his foot painfully lodged in place by a stone. He is visited by his brother, Homer, who keeps vigil with him through the night.