No Song is Safe From Us

No Song Is Safe From Us - The NYFOS Blog
 |  Mila Henry

The title of “Fierce Grace” is no joke­– it’s fierce on every level, from Jeannette Rankin herself to the all-female creative team of the cycle (Kitty Brazelton, Laura Kaminsky, Laura Karpman, Kimberly Reed and Ellen Reid) to the mindset Heather Johnson and I have to embody in order to perform this non-stop forty-minute work.

 |  Mila Henry

Rankin didn’t care whether she fit into the public’s expectation of her, or into “the boys club” of Congress– she was going to vote for what she believed in. She voted against World War I, and was the lone voice of dissent against the declaration of war on Japan in 1941.

 |  Mila Henry

With so many possibilities, I decided to use the themes of Fierce Grace: Jeannette Rankin as the themes of my “Song of the Day.” Women’s rights. Civil rights. Women’s suffrage. Pacifism. And a whole lot of Fierce Grace. Kimberly Reed mentions so many amazing women within the text of Fierce Grace, from Hildegard to Harriet, Susan B to […]