The legendary Irina Arkhipova is found here in great form singing Sergei Taneyev’s “Music” and “Stalactites” from a 1971 concert comprised entirely of Taneyev’s compositions.
Read MoreHaving mastered hip hop, hard bop, free form and everything in between, Marquis Hill is one of the heaviest hitting cats on the jazz scene in America. Hill has made a name for himself as one of the most gifted trumpeters around, winning the Thelonious Monk Trumpet Competition in 2014. After listening to Mr. Blier and Ms. Bennett perform some jazz classics in Orient so inspiringly, I was reminded of all the times I have been lucky enough to hear Marquis and his Blacktet play in Chicago.
Read MoreStyle, ease, grace, beauty, power and a wonderful reminder that perhaps perfection is attainable.
Read MoreA little over a year ago, transgender Americans were granted the right to serve openly as such in the U.S. Military. This was a decision that allowed an estimated 2,500 people the freedom to be themselves. Following the repeal of this decree four days ago, I felt it necessary to share just one more selection by Ted Hearne.
Read MoreToday’s selection comes from Ted Hearne’s 2015 composition Coloring Book. He describes the work as such: “I set the words of three great black American writers of different generations (Zora Neale Hurston, James Baldwin, Claudia Rankine) in texts dealing with identity, not because I could ever pretend to speak for them, but because I wanted to know: Could I better understand their words by speaking them in my own voice?
Read MoreIn a search for understanding how people with the power to do good choose evil, I turned to music—particularly the music of Ted Hearne.
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